In the legendary Wuyi Mountains, my friend Mr. Qiu has a treasure of a tea that grows in a UNESCO protected area. Mr. Qiu took us to see his trees when we were visiting China, and I will never forget the beauty of the place and the care Mr. Qiu puts into his plantation. I source Cliff Wulong, Red and White teas from Mr. Qiu.
MINIMUM ORDER 500g (17.6 oz)
Epicurean - High-quality tea you could have enjoyed in the Floating Mountain Tea House $239/500g
Elite. - The next level up quality tea - most Floating Mountain teas are from this level $528/500g
Connoisseur - The highest quality tea. I usually have only a few of these teas available on the tea list $1644/500g
Please Note - Connoisseur Level is separated for the tea from Ghost Cave in the Natural Reserve. The purchases in the Connoisseur level will be added to Wuyi Mountains Wulong TEA POOL.
You can choose up to two teas 250 grams each or the same tea for #1 and #2 to get 500 grams.
What is POOL SIZE? It is the required amount of purchases in the POOL for me to place an order.